Spirited, Connected, Relevant, Real

Changing the Face of Leadership

About Clare
Clare's mission is to put the 'human' at the centre of leadership. She enables and empowers leaders, both emerging and established to tap into their full potential and lead their people in a way that inspires, engages and grows talent for GOOD.
Clare had leadership roles for 16 years with global information technology companies before making the leap to follow her passion for people development. She is on a mission to shine the light on what's working and what's not when it comes to world- class people leadership.
Consulting to organisations across the globe, Clare specialises in the neuroscience of leadership and change and is on a mission to help people understand at a deeper level what’s going on between their ears, so that they have the next best thing to a manual for the mind.
When she’s not on a work mission, Clare loves nothing more than to immerse herself in nature, getting back to basics and dancing to her heart’s content – especially Zumba and Tap!
Clare’s Keynotes, Plenaries and Workshops
Signature Keynote
‘The SOCIAL Factor - Putting People at the Centre of Leadership’

Our world of work has changed beyond all expectations and there is no going back. The levels of complexity we now face with regards to the future of work, make for a challenging and ever-changing landscape to navigate, and our maps are outdated.
Social Leadership is leading for the good of all through forming, building and harnessing authentic, sustainable relationships.
In this enlightening and thought-provoking presentation, you will discover:-
- The Changing Face of Leadership – why Social Leadership is the only way forwards
- The gap between what leaders think their people want and what their people really want
- Unpacking the SOCIAL™ Factor :–
- The Neuroscience of Social Leadership
- Delivering on what your people need - the 6 core needs of Social leadership
- The Focus on People and Performance and getting the balance right
Audience participants will leave with a clear understanding of what’s required to attract, keep and grow their people for GOOD!
All of the following keynotes can also be delivered as plenaries, seminars or in workshop format.
Story - a Leader's Untapped Superpower

Stories have been used for millennia to motivate, inspire action and influence new behaviours. Developing storytelling skills is a cornerstone leadership capability. Stories can also be the most powerful catalyst for change as their recall and emotional connection makes them more memorable than any other form of coaching, instruction or information delivery.
Unfortunately, many leaders don’t think that they’re good storytellers or that their stories are worth telling – in reality, they are missing out on one of the most powerful 21st Century leadership skills.
Storytelling is an essential component of Social Leadership – it connects leaders to their people in intimate, vulnerable and courageous ways.
In this engaging and illuminating presentation, you will discover:-
- Why story is the most effective form of communication in leadership
- Why story trumps data with a tour of your amazing brain on story
- What great leadership storytelling looks like
- The myriad stories uncovered inside of you
- How and where to start sharing your stories with confidence, clarity and control
Audience participants will leave with a renewed confidence in the power and impact of story and a desire to uncover and their stories to share.
Bridging the Bias Gap

Unconscious bias is a silent irritant, intruder and invader. It impacts almost all of the decisions we make and the results that we get, without us being consciously aware of its effects.
Our unconscious biases directly affect not only who gets hired, fired, developed and promoted, but also the ability of teams to perform at a high level, the effectiveness of our leaders and the health of an organisation’s culture. But before we can bridge the Bias gap, we have to unmask it.
Unmasking our biases is a critical component of Social Leadership – what stays unaddressed results in exclusion.
In this surprising and insightful presentation, you will discover:-
- How our brains create unconscious biases in ourselves and others
- The key biases that drive behaviour in our workplace
- How to make the unconscious conscious through self-awareness
- Immediately implementable actions to start mitigating bias at work
Audience participants will leave with an abundance of ‘Aha’ Moments and a passion to get bridging as soon as possible!
Reasons to Engage Clare
Choosing an expert to co-develop and create exceptional outcomes for your people can be a bit of a minefield. Here are some reasons to consider Clare as that expert.

Common Questions for Conference Organisers and Clients
Securing a speaker for your conference, seminar or forum is a major responsibility. You want to feel assured that what’s promised is what’s delivered and that event attendees come away feeling energised, enlightened and inspired to action or change.
Clare is an accomplished speaker and speaks from the heart with genuine enthusiasm. Her speaking style is animated and informal yet respectful, with a good touch of humour thrown in.
Whether your goal is to have current belief systems challenged, raise the bar on performance or to provide a fun and engaging interactive session, Clare will sit with you, listen, understand and customise her topic to capture your audiences’ hearts and minds.

Yvonne Kelly
Director ANZ, NPA Network
Clare’s Keynote on ‘Moving from Working Harder to Working Smarter’ was inspiring, motivational and engaging. Clare used evidence-based theories on brain thinking and simplified her message as to how we can use this in our day to day as recruitment owners. I would highly recommend Clare.

Andy Menzies
EVP & MD, Financial Services, Eggplant
I engaged Clare to work with my team at TIBCO UK, knowing (from our time at SAP) she had the experience and professional presence to immediately command respect with my sales team. Clare delivered, helping me establish a ‘team’ mentality where the team was able to embrace change and drive higher motivation.

Tamara Wright
Head of Partnerships ANZ, IML
Clare is able to break down the complex theories of neuroscience, so they can be easily understood by the audience. She teaches you how to harness the power of your mind so you can improve yourself and your productivity at work. I would highly recommend Clare to speak at your next event.

Christy Wang
Conference Manager, Intrepid Minds
Clare is a pleasure to work with! Her presentation on ‘Thriving in the Challenge of Change’ at our recent EA conference in Sydney was really enjoyable and full of great insights. She is an engaging speaker with loads of energy and passion. I can’t wait to work with her at our future conferences!
Useful Articles
When Clare isn’t speaking she’s facilitating and training as Principal of BrainSmart People Development. All the blog articles below are co-branded with BrainSmart.
Why am I so Tired? Exploring our Allostatic Load
Feeling ‘MEH’? Wherever you are reading this, it’s probably safe to assume that things are still very ‘interesting’ no – let’s be straight – challenging! How are you feeling? For some, life may be just fine, you may have a business that is thriving because of the times, you may be revelling in newfound peace…
The Changing Face of Wellbeing at Work
Sometimes you have to look for the gift in the challenge. The particular gift I’d like to share in this article is the gift of wellbeing taking its rightful place at the executive leadership table – and we have Covid to thank for that. 1. One of the most important Gifts that the Challenge of Covid…
Time for a Selfie – Turning the Lens on Ourselves for Self-care
Self-care is essential for resilience. In addition to helping our brains and bodies, we create habits which help us deal much better with challenge and change
Introduction and Chapter One of ‘A Sprinkling of Magic’
To give you a flavour of what is included in ‘A Sprinkling of Magic’ I thought I’d share with you the introduction and Chapter One – enjoy and please feed back! Introduction Stories have captured our minds, hearts and imaginations since before we could talk and they still hold that magic ability to transfer, transmit…
Connect with Clare
Please get in touch with any questions, queries, suggestions or feedback!